2022 Maryland State Senate, District 39, election results:

Our campaign ran against the Senate majority leader in Maryland's General Assembly (47 Senators, 141 Delegates).

We received the highest percentage of votes in Maryland Green Party State Senate election history (12.26%, 3,582 votes). View details here. The 39th District includes parts of Germantown, Montgomery Village, Gaithersburg, and Clarksburg in Montgomery County, Maryland.

2024 United States Congress, Maryland District 6, election results:

We promoted fresh ideas into Maryland's political discourse and future path. We campaigned throughout the 6th district, from Clarksburg to Cumberland. The Green Party primary election ended in an exact tie, which was insufficient to proceed to the general election.

2026 United States Congress, Maryland District 3 Campaign:

We look forward to a robust and healthy campaign season. We ask Maryland voters who may be registered Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, or Independents to reconsider the Green Party and our values. Many Marylanders are simply not motivated to register to vote. You can now do so online or by mail directly from this website. Please exercise this precious right. And many others simply do not vote for various reasons. We urge you to not waste your vote as your vote is as valuable as any other Marylander. You do not need to be registered with the Green Party to vote for us. Focus on the issues, the various crises America faces today, the candidates and their education/background, and think about the long-term solutions we need to sustain this great nation.


Voting Locations:

Find out where you vote, your registration record, your voting districts, a sample ballot, and the status of your mail-in ballot here.

Candidate Surveys:

Our campaign participates in many candidate surveys by leading political organizations in the State of Maryland to inform the voters of our views.

The organizations include: Maryland Hospital Association, League of Women Voters, Planned Parenthood, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Smoke the Vote, Convention of States Action, Informed Choice Maryland, Freedom Voter Guide, Being Well While Being Black (BWWB) Program, and The Committee to Protect Healthcare. 

Support Us:

To volunteer, be part of the grassroots campaign, make calls, or take part in other events, contact us at:
Phone: 443-525-0478

Email: MosheGreenParty@gmail.com


We are accepting campaign contributions and following all Maryland state and U.S. federal election campaign finance laws and reporting requirements.
PayPal Campaign Account: MosheGreenParty@gmail.com

Maryland Election Law limits campaign contributions to $4,000 per individual, business entity, union, or political club, and $6,000 per PAC (Political Action Committee). The Green Party does not take money from corporations so as not to be influenced inappropriately.

Federal Election Law currently limits donations from individuals and groups to a campaign committee to $3,300 (for both the primary and general elections). The maximum cash amount is $100. A campaign that does not receive over $5,000 in contributions or make over $5,000 in expenditures does not have to register or report with the Federal Election Commission.
Our campaign is not required to file IRS Section 527 Form 8871 (Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status) or Form 8872 (Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures) until we reasonably expect our annual gross receipts to exceed $25,000.

Donation QR Code

Or Zelle Contribution to: moshegreenparty@gmail.com


Share our campaign's information, website, and message via the social media links above.

Please download the campaign summary image to the left, the digital yard sign, and the email message pdf below, and share via any of your preferred social media outlets (no paper please, preserve the trees!).

Campaign One Page Summary - Moshe Landman, US Congress, MD6.pdf

Help support our fundraiser for One Tree Planted! Every dollar donated plants one tree.

© 2024 Campaign to Elect Moshe Landman
This website, related communications, and solicitations are
paid for by "The Campaign to Elect Moshe Y. Landman" (IRS EIN: 88-3270827)