
America has lost most of its forest cover due to agricultural production, unsustainable logging, urban and suburban development, roads, etc.  Forests are critical for healthy ecosystems. They clean our air, pull carbon out of the atmosphere (natural solution to climate change), build healthy soils, provide nutritious food and a habitat for diverse wildlife, prevent water pollution, and more.
We need a national plan to increase forested areas by 30%+. We have 228 billion trees, but should be at 300+ billion. China has planted over 66 billion trees (140 billion total) and plans to cover over 30% of its land with forests by 2050.  However, we cannot simply plant monoculture tree farms. We must rebuild entire biodiverse forest ecosystems and enrich soils from the ground up.

U.s. energy

America's Electric Grid relies too heavily on fossil fuels (61%). We must plan for the phasing out of all coal-fired plants (they emit toxic & greenhouse gases), and later natural gas power plants (they release too much carbon into the atmosphere) and dramatically increase renewable sources such as solar & wind.
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative cap-and-trade system (11 east coast states including Maryland) is a good model for the nation to begin the transition process while raising funds for renewable energy and electric bill assistance.
At the same time, we need to upgrade and more than double the size of our entire electric grid with high-speed and high-capacity electricity transmission lines.

U.s. Defense spending

Let's take a hard look at our military discretionary spending. There is no reason we should be spending more than the next 9 countries combined. We believe we can still have a competent and fully sufficient defense force while cutting the budget by 50%+.

U.s. national debt

The USA, with $34 trillion in federal debt, is part of a group of financially unhealthy countries. We must make difficult federal budgetary, tax code, and program changes.
Economists agree that a healthy debt to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) ratio is around 60% (estimated 2024 US GDP is $28T, so $16.8T should be our goal).
We currently carry $17.2 Trillion of excess federal debt.
Below is a report with various proposals to reduce our annual deficit & total debt.


U.s. Wealth inequality

U.s. healthcare system

America's healthcare system is not working for anyone (except the overpaid insurance & pharmaceutical executives and medical specialists). Those who can afford insurance and the companies paying all or part of the premiums, are suffering. The US Federal Governments and the States are bearing the high costs of Medicare & Medicaid. Nearly 30 million Americans have no health insurance, while 43% of adults are inadequately insured, and are avoiding necessary treatment or ending up in emergency rooms (with large bills leading to bankruptcy or left for the States to pay).

We spend too much per capita on healthcare. A Universal Healthcare System (Medicare for All, etc.) can fix the system. We can provide full medical (including prescription drugs), dental, vision, and even long term care coverage for every American and save money at the same time!

The State Of Mental Health In America

The Province, and later State of Maryland is named after Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of British King Charles I. She was discriminated against as a Catholic in a Protestant dominated British Empire. Maryland, given to the Barons Baltimore as a colonial proprietary province before the American Revolution, became a safe haven for Catholics. Today, we continue that spirit of tolerance, but we now include everyone.
Did you know there was a Republic of Maryland in Africa (Liberia today)?

md. African American Heritage Guide.pdf

Maryland was originally inhabited by native tribes for thousands of years. European settlers caused their demise through murder, disease, and forced migration. What can we learn from the natives and their relationship to the land (stewardship vs. exploitation)?
The State of Maryland has formally recognized three tribles:
The Piscataway Indian Nation
Piscataway Conoy Tribe
Accohannock Indian Tribe
The Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs serves these and five additional tribes:
Assateague Peoples Tribe
Nause-Waiwash Band of Indians
Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians
Pocomoke Indian Nation
Youghiogheny River Band of Shawnee Indian

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paid for by "The Campaign to Elect Moshe Y. Landman" (IRS EIN: 88-3270827)